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Your Current Location:Home > Products > XT24 series > XT24 series industrial hot air blower
Product Name:XT24 series industrial hot air blower
Product Detailed:

XT24 series of industrial heat aging room dedicated fan

XT24 series industrial fan using PCT heating element, heat aging room has security (the halogen-light), reliable, no smell, clean, etc. Choose type high temperature fan, so that the whole hot fan can work under 60 ℃ environment for a long time, can be used in electronics, food, pharmaceutical and other industries, jin jing electronic instrument company produce all kinds of temperature control table can meet the requirements of different industries of different temperature control precision.

U the machine use stainless steel shell, and the overall aesthetics, industrial environment corrosion resistant, easy to install.

U control mode of traditional ac contactor (switch), solid state relay (contactless, zero switching control) and solid state voltage regulator (contactless, analog control) three ways.

U this system large export volume, temperature usually don't need to add the fan inside the room can achieve the effect of temperature uniformity.

The main technical indicators

1. Scope: heating room temperature ~ 60 ℃ (short time can arrive 70 ℃),

2. The display range: 0 ~ 99.9 ℃;

3. The temperature control precision: 0.5 on the Richter scale;

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Add:21F Changhong Bd, SunGang Rd, Luohu District,Shenzhen, Guandong Province, P.R.C.  Tel:0755-25586478    
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